Monday, April 18, 2011

the cute gets cuter

just when i thought that there was no way this face could get any cuter......he gets glasses!!!!! he has been doing great with wearing them. like he has always had them :-) until today.....he broke them :-( a new pair has been ordered. it's amazing the difference they made in his vision!!!
we've had a lot of fun outing with the kids lately. we took them to see toy story 3 on ice. that's our splurge every year on the kids and we love surprising them with it. every year liv sees the billboards and hears the commercials and always says i want to go to that but she never catches on that we always take her. i just love putting them in the car then telling them where we are really going.
owen stayed awake for the whole thing unlike when he fell asleep at the circus before the swap.
noah went last year but spelt thru the whole thing so we were a little nervous taking him with us. i must say that he did awesome. i'm sure the fact that he is really into toy story right now helped. it was so fun to get to see them all enjoy it.

couldn't not get a picture of these three all holding hands. we were heading into the zoo. my mom got us a season pass for christmas so we have really been taking advantage of it every chance we get. we've been bringing a picnic lunch and getting lots of walking exercise. the kids have really loved it and ask us to go every weekend.
Livi turned 7 on the 10th!!! we started the weekend with a slumber party with 4 of her friends and cousins. we took them to get pizza, then bowling and then to get ice cream.
they all stayed the night sleeping on a air mattress in the living room. they made bracelets, played hide-n-seek, colored and watched movies. livi had so much fun. it was a little hectic and trying on my nerves having that many 7 year olds here but well worth it to see liv having so much fun :-)
noah got to ride with daddy on his mower the first time nick mowed the lawn this year. he thought it was pretty cool!!!

i can't hardly believe that liv is 7 years old. where did all that time go?!?!?! how did i get here?!?!? i hope the next 5 years with noah don't go by as fast and i'm not sitting here posting about his 7th b-day saying the same thing. i really need to try slowing down and enjoying the small stuff.

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