Wednesday, September 21, 2011


nick and i starting dating june 28, 1994. we were sophomores in high school. we've been a couple for over 17 years, more than 1/2 our lifes. natalie likes to say "we've been together longer than we've been apart"....which is true. tomorrow is September 22, our 10 year wedding anniversary!!! while we knew this anniversary was coming up, it defiantly got away from us with our busy, crazy life going on. it was this morning in the car that i realized it was tomorrow.....holy cow!!!! how did that happen??? so i wanted to take this time to brag about my wonderful husband, nick hughes. i don't know where i'd be without him. he is the best. he tells me often that "he's happy as long as i'm happy". often enough that i know he really means it. tues-thurs nights he's at home with the kids while i'm at work, getting them home from school, making dinner, doing homework, giving bathes and all owens medical stuff all by himself. next month is his 15 year anniversary with QuikTrip. QT is the best company, they have supported him not only professionally but personally and even more so since the day owen was born. he tries his hardest to do home improvements. he's not the greatest or quickest at it. we almost have a fence up after it first being started over a year ago(not that our last year hasn't been busy). but he tries. :-) he's not afraid to admit to me why it's been so hard to finish the fence. he's sad my dad isn't here to help him and tell him how proud he is of him. he also cried at my dads death and helped carrying him to his final resting place. right after learning of his death, with no question asked he went to get my little sister having to break the news to her and hold her has she almost fainted and cried. he brings up every now again the thought of us having another baby. he gets baby fever more than i do. he watches "good luck charlie" with livi and enjoys it. he also watches toy story 3 at least once a day with noah. he helps me shop for my clothes. he's a loyal chiefs and royals fan. he does must of the laundry around our house. he tries to make time for me to scrapbook. he sometimes changes the scentsy warmers at our house. he would love to have a truck but settles for his car because smaller payment and better gas mileage. he doesn't always remember my b-day but he's getting better. it's not that he doesn't remember it he just doesn't remember to tell me happy b-day the first time he talks to me that day. :-) he drinks soy milk because our kids do. he let a dr he'd only met once cut him open and remove a piece of him to better our sons life. he doesn't like it to be called his kidney. shortly after the swap he told me "i'd give owen my other kidney or my heart if needed it" and i believe him because that's the reality of our life. every parent would do anything for their kids, nick brings that to another level. he's so much more then all that, he's my best friend!!! i don't know where i'd be without him and i don't want to know. i love him more then anything!!!! he is amazing.

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