Wednesday, September 22, 2010

pics and kidney update

owen at his first day of kindergarten at CCVI
Livi (with noah) on her fist day of 1st grade

my little noah so proud of his scribbles in permanent marker on my wall

owen with his teacher and classmates doing their chiefs cheers for the charity game

livi touching a horse for the first time this last weekend in arizona
last tuesday nick and i took owen to see his dr at the kidney center. we both had a lot of concerns about owens failing health, lack of growth, information we researched about kidney failure and the previous decisions that have been made. after bringing up and discussing these issues with his doctor, he decided that it would be best for owen if we moved forward with the kidney transplant. nick and i are so nervous but so happy at the same time to be finally planning this. nervous for the obvious of course. but so happy for owen....he will finally start to feel better, can catch up with other kids his age and gain weight!!!!! (he has gained 15lbs since i brought him home from the hospital almost 5 years ago and right now he weighs the exact same as noah 30.3lbs) he will still have many obstacles to over come with his recovery but we truly believe that this is a step in the right direction. we haven't been told an exact date yet but they are shooting for the last week in october, i hope to know for sure by the end of this week.
this last weekend livi and i took a girls trip to visit one of my best friends in phoenix, az. she has a 14 month old daughter jaaten that i absolutely adore and enjoy every time a get to see her and her mama. we had the best time. thank you so much megan and jaafe for having us. nick stayed back home with the boys for some guy time :-) they worked on our fence with nick's family just before the big storm came. it's not done yet but getting there. today was nick and i's 9 year wedding anniversary....nick sent me chocolate covered oreos and red roses to work. he's such a good guy. i love him so much and couldn't ask for a better husband and father for our kids. this weekend we are taking the kids to st. louis for my nephew trey's 1st b-day and while there we are taking them to the zoo. should be lots of fun!!!!


  1. Uugggh! You are all in my prayers. Poor baby, I just hope he gets to feeling better... This is such an answer to prayer, though! We know he is strong & God has big plans for him... This is just an obstacle he will defeat before he can truly start to grow & enjoy life as every little boy should! Keep us posted, I love the blog!!! Xxxooo

    sonja ferrier-n

  2. Thanks for keeping everyone up to date! Poor little guy! He will overcome this....he's a special little guy with big plans:) I will keep you all in my prayers!!! Positive thoughts going out to you all.

    amy lawson

  3. i am soooo excited to see you, Nick and the kiddos this weekend!!! we miss you all so much!! ♥


  4. Thanks for the update on Owen...your family will be in my prayers for the transplant. xoxoxo

    .Rebecca Viera- Hutchason

  5. Am- I love reading your posts! It makes me feel closer to you! I wish we lived next door to each other like we dreamed about when we were little!!!! Keep sharing the stories and I'll be there for thanksgiving!

