Wednesday, September 29, 2010


no date yet, but getting closer. i did get a call from the transplant coordinator right before i was to get owen for his appt. with the surgeon. she gave me some updates on new appts and told me dr. warday (owens kidney dr) is in Singapore this week and we are waiting on his approval to make the date for the transplant. she apologized that he didn't get it done before he left but she said sometimes he likes to really think things over before jumping into them. we take owen back to the kidney center on tuesday so we keeping our fingers crossed that is as long as we have to wait to get a date. the appt with the surgeon went well, it was basically a consultation or in owen's words "no blood just talk doctor". he went over all the details of the actual surgery. he said the biggest challenge for him is the size of nicks kidney and the size of owen. he will remove owen one remaining kidney so he will only have nicks kidney. it will go in the front of his belly and he said for a while we may be able to see it until he grows into it :-/ of course he had to go over all the risk which is always scary and only feeds all the crazy thoughts in my head but i understand that they have to do it. owen has had a pretty rotten attitude this past week which makes me think he is just feeling chemically off and doesn't know how to express it.

here's a cute thing he said this morning in the car. we were listening to the radio while they were talking about micheal bolton leaving dancing with the stars and he says "micheal bolton....we only like micheal jackson" :-)


  1. He's always right! He was awful sweet yesterday when he saw me and gave me a hug, whereas, Noah, ran to me, calling me NatNat and made a U-turn be fore he got to me. He's a stinker!

    ya ya

  2. I didn't realize what Owen is facing till I read your blog. My heart goes out to you, Owen, and Nick. I can't imagine how hard it must be to face that situation. But I do know that God is awesome and can work things out. He can do more than we can even imagine. I'll start praying for Owen and the doctor and Nick now and I'll ask God to give you that sense that he has His arms around you to comfort you and ease your fears.

    vickie odell
