Saturday, May 29, 2010

about to call it (another) night here at children's mercy, hopefully it is last one for this visit. owen is much better today. the wanted to keep him one more day because they want him to be 24hr fever free and keeping good urine output without iv fluids before he can go home. so far no fevers :-) and the stopped the iv around 7pm so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that goes well too. we aren't real sure what was wrong in the first place, could just have been a little flu bug that with him turns into a bigger bug because of his kidney issues. but while here we did discover other issues. first - yesterday his blood pressure was getting very low so they are taking him off a med that he has been on that is to slow down kidney damage but also lowers your blood pressure. because he is getting close to transplant preserving his blood pressure over the kidney they know will be replaced is more important. second issue-with his weakened kidney function now that he only has one he has become very anemic (low red blood cells). when we go home we are going to have to start epogen injections. which is probably one of the reasons he has been so weak and puny feeling since the surgery.

i am feeling much happier/positive today. thank you so much everyone for all the kind words, encouragement, love, prayers and offers for help. help is something that i have a very hard time asking for and i'm realizing i will need to get better at it during the swap. we had several visitors today and that always make for a good day here, so thank you so much to those that visited.

thanks again

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