Thursday, November 4, 2010


owen's shirt he wore home says "my dad is #1"...owen is still tired of me taking pictures and will only agree to do them if he can close his eyes
we are home!!!!! we got home wednesday around 7pm. i have such mixed feelings about it :-( for those that don't know me that well, let me tell you that i don't like change in my daily routine. actually i HATE it. don't get me wrong, i'm happy to not be in the hospital and to be with liv & noah too. but in no way was i prepared for all the "medical maintenance" owen would require nor did i realize how little help nick would have to be. we have been home a little over 24hrs and i'm completely spent emotionally, physically and mentally....mostly emotionally. i feel more over whelmed then when we brought owen home from the hospital the first time 5 years ago. i didn't think that was possible. i don't know what i thought it was going to like after the swap. maybe i had so much fear of him making it thru the swap that i didn't put much focus on after or it's that we weren't suppose to be home yet....they told us 3-5weeks. we were out in 1 1/2!!!! so i think i just realized owen is Amazing (i already knew that part) he healed in half the time they thought he would, i on the other hand...not so much...i needed that extra time. whatever it is, it's going to take everything in me to get thru this. pre-swap my daily routine with owen went like this....enema, cath, meds, meds with meals, cath and meds/shots before bed and doctors appointments and labs monthly. i know there was more to it then that but it seemed easy and normal. now it's all crazy and new.....he has 13 meds (there was six before) they have to be taken twice a day twelve hours apart at the exact same time every day. for the next 2 months a home health care nurse will come to the house to get his labs, then i will have to take him to the hospital twice a week for the following 4 months. i have to cath him every 3 hours and he has to wear an overnight cath/bag every night. he also has to get at least 1500 mls of fluid daily, which before would have never been a problem for him but now i have to force every sip :-/ plus all the hand washing, germ spreading prevention and infection worries. we were already back at CMH this morning and will go back tomorrow for about 5 hours for him to get another mono fusion. we also have to go to nicks doctor tomorrow because he is having some type of allergic reaction, hives and blisters all over his belly, looks awful and painful......poor guy. he is really trying his hardest to help me but he still has some pain and isn't suppose to lift anything over 10lbs. it also doesn't help that today owen has had the worst diarrhea ever that has had me changing his diaper every 5 minutes or him sitting on his potty seat hours at a time and caused the worst diaper poor little man :-( they are going to be looking more into that tomorrow. we have a new post transplant coordinator who checks in with us daily. i know that all of this will eventually become my daily routine and someday maybe i will say it's easy.
the pharmacy in my kitchen
moments like these make all the crazy ones a little bit easier......finally with all my babies, i missed noah and livi so much
owen (eyes still closed) tonite with his overnight cath/bag attached to his leg. he was so sad about having to wear it.....he cried, then i cried :-(

my plan for this weekend is to relax, refocus, re-charge, re-organize, and re-work my routine. wish me luck!!!


  1. You can do it, You can do it, You can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Love you!

  2. Wow Amber...I thought I had a pharmacy - yours blows mine out of the water! Hang in there - if anyone can do this it's you! Still praying for you and your AMAZING family! That is incredible how quickly you guys got discharged! I can definately see how that would throw you for a mental loop! Prayers for the ability to recharge and refocus, along with stamina to get you through. Hand in there!

    Lots of love,
    Sarah Martinez

  3. You're amazing. You can do it. Welcome home!

    marites dix

  4. I'm amazed at all those meds!! Amber, you're an amazingly strong person. I have no doubt that you will have all that chaos down to a very neat & organized routine in no time! But until then, can I help?

    kari st louis

  5. Tough post to read :( But you are right! Owen is AMAZING!! Praying for you - God is steering the ship. So, go ahead and relax and give him all the control!

    keli bane

  6. I will continue to pray for all of you! Stay strong...god has special plans for all of you. What an amazing family you have.

    amy lawson

  7. wow, Amber you are such a good hard working mom. It sounds so tough and being the "Super Mom" has to be hard. Can the Troutwines bring your family a meal? I know we can't stay due to infection, but we live so close and the girls would be... thrilled to help me cook for your family, maybe a few frozen throw in the microwave things, just to give you one less thing on your list? You can call me or facebook me.

    Thinking of you all the time, crying like a baby now from your post. Life should not be so hard for good people, but people that are not good would not be able to cope so well! Keep on keeping on! (sounds like something from my husbands generation)

    pam troutwine

  8. I thank God most of all for you, honey.....

    ya ya

  9. Amber!!! You are doing that you are home, please let me know what our class and CCVI can do for you!!!!

    sarah fields

  10. I know u can do it amber ur the best ......before u know it everything will get in routine and will get easyer ....ur one bad ass mama and I love u ;)

    megan marks

  11. All I can say is that you are such an amazing person!! I am so proud to be your friend!!

    missy s
