Saturday, March 13, 2010

good news and heart monitors

it's saturday night and we are still trying to recover from wednesday events. i also have a lot more to share since then. thursday nick and i spent the day at st lukes hospital and got the great news that nick was for sure going to be the donor. YAY!!!!!! they said he was a unremarkable match and as healthy as can be. while we were there i got a call from the nurse at owen's cardiologist office and they wanted to see owen as soon as possible. so i took him friday morning to see Dr Ardinger. he is the cardiologist who has been following owen since he was born. he was completely puzzled by what was going on but not surprised given his history. they did an ekg and echo-cardigram which both result were same as always, no changes. the only thing left for him to try was owen wearing a heart monitor for 24hrs. that way he could see if this is something that owens heart may do on a regular basis but owen is to young to know that something is going on that he needs to tell us. owen wore the heart monitor from 10:30am fri to 10:30am sat. he even had to wear it in his sleep. he did so good, he is such a trooper. it had a clock on it and he kept saying "i'm the time keeper". he was ready for it to come off when it was time though, he also kept saying "how much longer do i have" i take the monitor back to hospital monday and the dr said he should have a plan by friday.

i do need to mention what a great sister i have. liv would have been staying at natalie's house this weekend if owen had the surgery and even though he didn't she still said it was okay for her to stay friday night. and she completely spoiled her. took out to eat 3 times, to see Alice in Wonderland 3D, and got her some new clothes and shoes. my kids and adaira (chelsea's daughter) are so lucky to have her. she is the best aunt ever!!!

here is a funny thing owen said. his uncle domo asked him if he liked not having the surgery and he said "yep, i still have kidneys".....he is so stinkin' smart!!!!


  1. Awesome news Amber!!! I have been following your story and praying for you guys! Owen is so funny and very cute! :) As you know, God and your Dad are watching over your lil angel Owen and everything will be ok! Oh, I must agree, Liv and Adaira are very lucky girls to have a Aunt Nat that spoils them rotten! The girls are also lucky to have such great mommies too!!! Love your family, take care sweetie!!!
    Prayers, Heather Nelson-Deyerle

  2. When Owen was born I couldn't understand how/why this happeneded to Amber & Nick, 2 people who do everything right. They barely drink, don't do drugs, don't even smoke! Then I saw how well they got through it and I felt them take pride in it bringing them closer. At some point over the last four years I quit wondering, why. And, I just knew they were chosen because they were the only couple I know strong enough to not let it tear them down or apart. But, this week when thye said Nick was an "unremarkable match" I was like...Ah-ha! That's why they were chosen! Owen has a huge purpose in this world, I have always known that. The Dr.'s have and will continue to do as much as they can to make sure he lives out his purpose....BUT, Nick's Kidney is what Owen really needed all along, thus why they were CHOSEN;-)

  3. could he be any cuter? Love him and praying for you all...

    sarah fields

  4. O is such a good sport! I'm praying so hard for you all God is sick from hearing from me ;) You are soo lcuky to have such a wonderful sister!!!!


  5. Keeping all of you in my prayers. So many people praying, God is sure to hear.

    anna marie romi
