Tuesday, March 30, 2010

today while driving in the car something hit me. don't worry....i'm ok, something didn't hit me hit me. :-) i was listening to mix 93.3 doing there children's miracle network radio-thon for children's mercy hospital. and i'm listening to all the kids and parents tell their stories. then this one mom comes on that i actually know of, her husband went to school with my sister and i've heard of her daughters illness and their family struggle. she starts her story by saying just a few weeks before her daughter got sick she was listening to one of these same radio-thons and thought to herself i can't imagine what it would be like to be one of those moms, seeing your child sick, being completely helpless and having to rely on complete strangers to know what is right for them......and while she's telling this i'm thinking the same thing " i can't imagine what it would like to be one of those moms" and then it hit me.........i am one of those moms


  1. See Amber, you always have such a positive attitude that you didn't even realize you were "one of those moms". I love it! Keep on staying positive and trust that everything is going to be alright! We are so lucky to have Children's Mercy right here close to us. Going through all this is so hard, but can you imagine having to travel and figure out a place to stay and being away from your other kids. Thank God that we have this amazing place that we know gives great care.


  2. Way to stay positive.....thinking of you and your family daily......it was great to bump into you the other day!

    amy lawson

  3. Thinking of you all. You have inspired me while I have been dealing with Ceirnan's small issues. Know that you both are great role models for others

    courtney m

  4. you are a wonderful inspiriing mommy, sis :) i ♥ you!!

